Running News

Saturday, 31 October 2015



No. PF-01(e)/2015                                                                                   Dated – 31.10.2015
            All General Secretaries/NFPE Office Bearers/All Circle, Divisional & Branch    Secretaries of NFPE affiliated Unions
Dear Comrades,
            NFPE along with AIPEUGDS (NFPE) has taken decision to go on 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the four point\s charter of demands.
            NFPE had requested Secretary (P) in writing and by meeting personally to resolve the issues which are pending since long. But it is a very sorry state of affairs on the part of Department of Posts that neither any issue is settled nor even a single line in reply is being given.
            As you all are  aware that NFPE along with PJCA had declared indefinite strike from 6th May-2015 onwards. On most of the items  Secretary (P)  gave positive  assurance in writing in the meetings  during negotiations on agenda of strike Charter of demands and the minutes were circulated among all and were published in all union journals. On 5th May Honourable Minister  Communication also called  meeting with both Secretary Generals NFPE & FNPO and  he also gave positive assurances including  GDS wage revision by 7th CPC and for Cadre restructuring he told  that  he has signed the file after approving the proposals and handed over to Secretary Post.
            But after a lapse of 6 months period no progress is being noticed in any of the matter.
            Earlier National Joint Council of Action  of Constituent Organizations of National  Council JCM had taken  decision to go on indefinite  strike  from 23rd  November -2015 in which  our main demand of inclusion of GDS was also  included in the Charter of  demands
            It was expected that Pay Commission will submit its report upto 30th September, 2015. Pay Commission requested to grant 2 months extension to bind up the office but the Government of India was very much generous to grant 4 months extension to Pay Commission. Pay Commission has completed its task but now Government is interfering and Secretary Finance Ministry has directed Pay Commission to give recommendations keeping in view the fiscal condition of the country and it should not give such recommendations which cannot be implemented. NJCA had deferred the decision of strike from 23rd November, 2015. We as NFPE told in the meeting of NJCA that we are going on indefinite strike in Postal. NJCA leadership requested to review  and reconsider  the decision and change the  date as NJCA has given call of a grand Dharna by All India  leaders of NJCA at Jantar Manter, New Delhi on 19 November,2015. Some of our Confederation leaders and senior leaders of NFPE also advised to review the decision. Accordingly NFPE Federal Secretariat meeting was held at Hyderabad on 11.10.2015 and reviewed the situation and unanimous decision was taken to organize 48 hours strike on 1st & 2nd December, 2015 on the following 4 points of Charter of demands:
            (i) Include GDS in 7th CPC for wage revision and other service related matters. 
            (ii) Implement cadre Restructuring proposals in all cadres including Postal Accounts & MMS. 
            (iii) Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres of Department of Posts (i.e. PA, SA, Postmen, Mail Guard, Mail Man, GDS Mail Man, MMS Driver & other staff in      MMS, PA          CO, PA SBCO, Postal Accounts Staff, Civil & Electrical Wing    Staff, as            per actual sanctioned   strength. 
            (iv) Stop all types of harassment in the name of implementation of various     new      services and schemes and Trade Union Victimization.
            Gramin Dak Sewaks constitute 50% of Work Force in Department of Post. They run 89% Post Offices in Rural Areas. Since 2nd Pay Commission, every  time a Committee headed by bureaucrats  has been constituted to look into the wage revision  and other service related matters  except at the time of Vth  Pay Commission when Justice  Talwar  Committee  was formed which gave  very favourable  recommendations to the GDS  but Government  did not implement 25% of its recommendations. This time NFPE raised the issue to include GDS in 7th CPC and this was supported by Confederation and National Council JCM. But Government has not given any attention towards this demand. During the negotiation on Strike  Charter of demands, Secretary (Post) assured to refer the matter  to Government  of India again third time  with strong recommendations  and  on 05.05.2015 , Hon`ble  Minister Communication had also assured to use his influence to get the GDS included in 7th CPC but nothing has been done so far. It is coming to the notice by some sources that Department of Post is going to form bureaucratic Committee again. We have requested several times that when Pay Commission complete its task than this matter should  also be given to him . Now Pay Commission has been allowed to sit idol for 3 months. This period might have been utilized for the wage revision of GDS. But Government of India is not at all concerned about this poor deprived and exploited section of working class. We cannot tolerate this state. So we have to go to agitation to fight this injustice and discrimination.
            Cadre Restructuring proposals were finalized by the Committee 2 years before. On 5th May 2015 Minister also approved.  JS&FA also cleared the proposals. DOP&T has not raised any objection and suggested to take clearance from Finance Ministry. There is no more financial implications even that Finance Ministry has not cleared the proposal. We have asked Department of Post several times but nothing has been done so far. If it is not implemented before implementation of 7th CPC report. It will be of no use.
            Though Recruitment is going on in the Department of Posts here and there. But there is acute shortage of staff in all cadres because recruitment is not being done as per actual sanctioned strength. If recruitment is made as per actual sanctioned strength and shortage is met out then 50%   problems will be solved automatically.
            Our staff in all cadres is facing so much harassment and victimization. Every day any new service or scheme is being launched without proper infrastructure and sufficient man power. CBS and CSI biggest problem for P-III, 100% delivery for Postmen. Harassment of staff in RMS on OTA, More problems in Circle Office, Postal Accounts and Civil Wing and Electrical Wings are being faced due to staff shortage. If any Trade union leader raises his voice against these onslaughts, he is victimized. Holding of Melas and Meetings on every Sunday and Holiday has become the regular practice against the directions given by Secretary (Post).
            So keeping in all these we have to fight against all these onslaughts and wrong policies of department of Posts and Government of India.
            Whatever we have achieved that is due to struggle only. We have achieved so many things in past by struggles only. If we fight unitedly we will win sure.
            For making the strike 100% successful please follow the following instructions: 
1.         Campaign programme of All India leaders have been declared and published in websites, all circle secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions are requested to consult each other and make all arrangements for the meetings of All India leaders. If any change is needed, can be made with consultation of all.
2.         All India leaders should attend the programmes compulsorily.
      3.           Maximum publicity should be given to the campaign programme.
      4.         Strike notice will be served on 06.11.2015 to the Secretary (Posts) by NFPE leaders.It should be served at all levels by organizing mass demonstrations.
      5.         Joint campaign programme should be conducted by all Circle/Divisional Secretaries in their respective Circles and Divisions and make maximum efforts for grand success of strike by organizing Gate meetings and General Body meetings.
      6.          Circulars/Pamphlets /Hand bills and Posters should be published and send to all. These should be published in regional language also.
7.         Please leave no stone unturned for success of strike.
8.         Give Wide Publicity in local Press and Media.
Yours fraternally,
(R. N. Parashar)

Secretary General

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

Ref: P/4-4/CBS-CIS                                                                                         Dated – 20.10.2015


Ms. Kavery Banerjee
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110 001.


Sub: - Untold sufferings faced by the workings staff in CBS rolled out offices throughout the Country – Immediate and personal intervention is requested– Reg.

A kind attention is invited to our earlier references on the subject, wherein the problems mentioned therein are almost unaddressed till date. It is a known fact that CBS migration is undergoing in large no. of offices in many Circles. Till time more than 5000 offices are rolled out to CBS, because of the pressure applied by the  Department in  haste.  Because of such a fast approach, the end users   at the Counter area are affected badly, and the public also suffering a lot.

Whereas in Banking Sector, when such migration is undertaken, it has been carried out in a phased manner for eg. in SBI, the leader in Banking sector, migration was made only in 100 branches at the  first year.

You may aware that the staff are struggling with outdated computers and peripherals, which were purchased during  the  year 2000 to 2005 and no funding is  made so far to replace them  till date and as a whole the  Department  is  surviving with very old hardwares. Even proper up gradation of CPU is not made in many areas and the Software loaded is upto Windows XP, almost in most of the offices. Finacle can be  loaded only with Windows 7 and  hence  the  officers at ground level are  pressurized to use pirated version of Windows 7, which is  totally illegal and  leads to  legal litigation from  Microsoft. The staff are compelled to work in the outdated mode with pirated software, resulting in non operation.

The MOU made with M/s Sify, for net work integration is limiting to low bandwidth such as 128 Kbps to 256 Kbps in single and double handed offices, and 256 kbps to 512 kbps in ‘A’ class to LSG offices resulting in sluggish connectivity and takes hours together to transform the data. This results in hang over and the transactions could not be able to be made at the instant, as the Department expects. It requires at least 1 to 4 Mbps and M/s Sify refused to increase the bandwidth now.
End of day process cannot be made after validation/supervisor verification and the staff has to wait for the nod from the Infosys, even after midnights on several days and at times it can be made on the next day morning.  Even the women employees are compelled to   complete the EOD process in midnights and their husbands or wards waiting till midnights to carry home. They could not attend even their family, personal and social obligations, resulting in loss of mental balance, family problems, stress and social problems. There is no safety and security for the women employees leaving the office by late nights, especially in rural areas, where there is no transportation available. It is our responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the women employees and no untoward incident should be allowed to happen as in case of Jyoti Singh Pandey of New Delhi.

Even the Help desk provided is not answering and the end users are taken to task  and  receiving brick bats from the irate public.  This results in  closing of  accounts in large numbers  that too,  can be made  not on the  date of presentation but  after few days  and  our  Department  looses  large  chunk of customers, because of the miscalculations, wrong estimations  and over ambitious stand of the  bureaucrats.

Consequent to the increase in large number of Post Offices on CBS, it was observed for the past two months that the Data Centre Closure process is executed during day time that too during peak Counter hours. This results in slow accessibility of Finacle throughout the country. Irrespective of bandwidth, the  Finacle slowness has been experienced in all Post Offices in the recent past. This affects the public services very badly during the peak hour viz.from 11.00 am  to  03.00 pm on daily basis.

Furher, due to Finacle slowness, the most affected operation is the Cheque Clearing operations.  The Clearance House sends the images of the cheques to the Head Offices at around 08.00 am in the morning. The onus of furnishing the information pertaining to Bounced Cheques, that too before 11 am to the clearing house, lies on the respective Head Offices.  If the information pertaining to Bounced Cheques is not received before 11.00 am from the concerned HOs, the entire amount of Inward Clearance cheques are deemed to be CLEARED by  the clearance house.  This leads to encashment of bounced cheques, the  responsibility of which lies  on the shoulder of the  poor officials and they have to face contributory negligence  recoveries.

Since from the day of the first migration, the staff unions are complaining about the deficiency in services provided my M/S Infosys Ltd, especially facing enormous problems in the Finacle Software, besides bandwidth, net work, transmission and Server problems. On each and every occasion or from the day we are complaining at all levels, there is one word reply that, everything will be set right and put into rails one by one as this is only a transition period and everybody should bear with, in the interest of the Department. This is the saying mooted out and spread everywhere, from top to bottom.  Now the 2 years Contract period for total the implementation is nearing completion and there is no sign of improvement and the problems persist and aggravate everywhere. It is most unfortunate to mention that we are all bearing with all these hardships and sufferings, in the interest of M/S Infosys.

Because of all these deficiencies the Department not only losing  the  customers, besides there is  huge loss of man days and  due to non operation  there is huge loss of  money. This should be compensated with. There is a penalty clause in the Contract for deficiency in service. Instead of pulling the poor ground level officials, the application of penalty clause may perhaps be considered and applied on the service providers viz. Ms. Infosys and M/s Sify. It is reported that India Post has undertaken the project for switching over to  Core Banking Solution  platform with a total project outlay of Rs. 800 crores.  Hence, in the interest of the Department, we request the Secretary Posts to pursue with, on the direction, in order to pull the vendor and to save the customer services, the image of the Department and the public money.

Based on the above, our  Union  requests  the  Secretary Posts

i) to stop  such unmindful migrations into  CBS/CIS  immediately till settlement of the problems reported ;

ii) to provide adequate  infrastructure to the  ground level offices,  such as replacement of systems, computer peripherals , UPS, battery, printers  etc.  immediately;

iii) to improve the bandwidth  of sify network   atleast to the  level of  512 kbps in single handed offices and to the level of  4Mbps in Head Post offices ;

iv) to centralize the EOD process at CPC  level  in all circles and to relieve the official at ground level
after  completion of validation process , without  late night detention ;

v) to centralize the cheque clearance work  at  CPC  level, since  it is  now under  CBS ;

vi)  to ensure  the operation of  CBS  without  interruption/slowness during  peak hours  to cater  the  need of the  common public .

Soliciting immediate response and reply.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary

Monday, 26 October 2015

Verification Of Medical Reimbursement Claims In CGHS and Guidelines for full reimbursement


1. Good News : Hyderabad CAT case i/c/w grant of GP Rs.5400/- after completion of 4 years in GP of Rs. 4800/- decided in favour of applicants.

தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்!

1.     Good News : Hyderabad CAT case i/c/w grant of GP Rs.5400/- after completion of 4 years in GP of Rs. 4800/- decided in favour of applicants.

2. No interviews for non-gazetted government jobs, says PM Narendra Modi.
   1.1.2016-லிருந்து இனிமேல் interview தேவையில்லை எனவும், தேவையில்லாமல், திறமைசாலிகளும், ஏழைகளும் ஒரு சிலர் கையில் சிக்கி வேலை வாய்ப்பை இழந்துவிடக் கூடாது என்பதற்காக interview முறை கைவிடப் படுகிறது எனவும் பிரதமர் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

3.  தேங்கி கிடக்கும் பிரச்சினைகளுக்காக டிசம்பர் 1 மற்றும் 2 ஆகிய இரண்டு நாட்கள் நமது NFPE சம்மேளனம் வேலைநிறுத்த அறிவிப்பு கொடுத்துள்ளது என்பதை அறிவீர்கள்.  MERGER OF BANK திட்டத்தை எதிர்த்து டிசம்பர் 2 வங்கி ஊழியர்களும் வேலை நிறுத்தத்தில் ஈடுபடப் போவதாக அறிவித்துள்ளார்கள். 

4. மாத கடைசியில் PENSION பிரச்சினை, RD பிரச்சினை என்று சொன்ன பின்பும், நிறுத்தி வைக்கப் பட்டு இருந்த CBS 28ம் தேதி தொடங்குகிறது. நமது கோட்டத்தில், 28,29,30 தேதிகளில் 10 அலுவலகங்கள் CBS-க்கு MIGRATE ஆகிறது. CBS மயமாவதால், SBCO பிரிவில் பல மாற்றங்கள் செய்யப் படுகின்றன. அது சம்பந்தமாக  SB Order No.14/2015 Dated 19.10.2015-ல் பல INSTRUCTION கொடுக்கப் பட்டுள்ளது. விருப்பம் உள்ளவர்கள் அதை பார்த்துக் கொள்ளவும்.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்!

தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்!

Department of Posts  is a Central Government Department (?!) under Ministry of Communication & IT

First Post office was established in 1727 in kolkata, in 1786, Chennai GPO was established , in 1793 Mumbai GPO was established. Indian Post office act was enacted in 1854.

There are
Total Post offices-154882
POs in rural-------139182
POs in Urban------15700
Base circle(Army P.S)--1
PO Divisions---------446
PSF & Seals, Aligarh---1
Fgn philatelic Bureau-  1
philatelic Bureaus------81
RMS Dns-------------69
Night P.Os-----------155
Sorting Hubs---------89
MMS vehicles-------1309
MMS units-------------96
Fullfledged workshops-17
Postal holiday Homes--40
Postal Staff Quarters-26871
Deptl Staff quarters--22324
Rented Staff quarters--4547
Postal sports board------1
Floating post office------1
(Dal Lake, Srinagar)
Postal Bag Office-------1
Postal dispensaries----33
Sevottam P.Os--------78
Deptl bldg-----------4436
Rented bldg--------20162
Rent Free bldg-------1711
Postal Civil Wing--------1

Heritage bldgs--------38
Heritage bldgs in TN---3
Ooty, Ch. GPO, Nagapatnm

Social sec schemes
Disbursed through M.Os-
--12,770.8 million

POSB Accts-6150215.62m
PLI Policies--5.4 million
SumAssured-102 276.09crs

RPLI Policies-15.01 million
Sum assured-79,466.46 crs

Total staff
Group A------------576
Group B gazetted---333
Group B nongztd---4941
Group C----------161003


Women staff
Group A---------------65
Group B gazetted-----286
Group B non gztd-----807
Group C------------30168

Our Products

Mails:- Postcard,ILC,ALC,Regd Post, Speed post, Registered parcel, sample/pattern packet, regd newspaper, book packet printed books,book packet,book packet periodicals, blind literature packet, COD, V.P,Insured,Business reply Permit, Post box, Post bag F.Ms SAL, BulkBag etc., etc.,

Remittance service
Electronic money order, IMO, FMO,IFS, Videsh M.O, IPO, FPO,Money gram etc., etc.,

B.D Products:-
Epost, pack post, logistic post, post shoppe, forex service, WUMTs, WNX, sale of Penta mobile, sale of Chotu kool, print Post, retail post,greetings post,Data post, Address proof card, bill post, Direct Post, Business post, EB bills,Media Post,NPS, MGNREGS etc., etc.,

Insurance:- PLI & RPLI

Savings Bank

Our Department is a big big department with rich History. Work is on increasing scale. Salary is not bad.Our Staff and Network are our strengths. Yes, we lost monoploy and facing competition from private players.Much Depends on effective policy formulation by Govt.Its a public service Dept not a commercial company so we are running under loss. For e.g Our Savings bank funds belongs to finance ministry not to us. Like this, we operate with lot of constraints. Dont judge without knowledge.I hope you would have got aware of this Prestigious Institution.


Monday, 19 October 2015

வருந்துகிறோம். அஞ்சலி செலுத்துகிறோம்

அஞ்சாநெஞ்சன்  அண்ணன் பாலு (முன்னாள் மாநில செயலர்
   இறைவனடி சேர்ந்தார்கள் 

    அஞ்சல் மூன்று தமிழ் மாநில சங்கத்தின் முன்னாள் மாநில செயலர் தோழர் Nபாலசுப்ரமணியன் பாலு அவர்கள் இன்று20.10.2015 காலை திருவனந்தபுரத்தில் மரணமடைந்தார் என்பதனை வருத்ததோடு தெரிவித்து கொள்கிறோம். அண்ணனின் இறுதிசடங்கு 21.10.2015 அன்று நாகர்கோயில் அவர் இல்லத்தில்  வைத்து நடைபெறும் .


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Seventh Pay Commission Faces Pay Gap Problem

Seventh Pay Commission Faces Pay Gap Problem

New Delhi: Seventh Pay Commission Faces Serious Challenge In Submitting Its Recommendation To Government Till December For Hiking Salaries And Allowances For Central Government Employees As The Employees’ Unions Test Its Account Of Controversial Pay Gap Between Top And Bottom Level Government Officials.

The previous pay commission showed a wide gap in pay between the top bureaucrats and the government employees at the bottom.

The first pay commission was recommended pay of the top bureaucrats 41 times higher than the government employees at the bottom. The top bureaucrats were given salary Rs 2,263 while the lowest earning employees got Rs 55.

Subsequent pay commissions reduced the ratio of pay between lowest earning employees and top bureaucrats from 1:41 in 1947 to about 1:12 in 2006. The minimum basic salary of central government employees is now Rs 7730 while maximum salary at the level of Secretary is Rs 80,000.

Accordingly, the Seventh Pay Commission will have to consider reduction in the disparity of pay ratio between its highest and lowest paid employees because it determines the socialism view of the government and the higher number of central government employees are in the minimum pay slabs.

The pay gap increases employee’s turnover and work-related illness, with all the associated economic consequences.

The bureaucrats with high pay are generally happier, healthier and a better place to live for almost everyone in them compare to the lower earning employees.

A pay gap is calculated as the ratio of the pay of the highest paid employee of an organisation to the pay of the average or lowest paid employee in that organisation.

Seventh Pay Commission can make recommendations on promoting pay fairness in the central government employees’ fraternity by tackling disparities between the lowest and the highest paid central government servants.

The Seventh Pay Commission, headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur was appointed in February 2014 and its recommendations are scheduled to take effect from January 1, 2016.

As part of the exercise, the Seventh Pay Commission holds discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, and groups representing civil employees as well as defence services.

The Commission is ready with its recommendations on revising emoluments for nearly 50 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners, and will submit report to the Finance Minister till December 31.

மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் இடைவிடாத முயற்சிக்கு வெற்றி !


மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் இடைவிடாத 
முயற்சிக்கு வெற்றி !
EOD  பிரச்சினையில் இரவு நீண்ட நேரம் காத்திருப்புக்கு  முற்றுப் புள்ளி ! 

09.10.2015  CPMG  யுடனான நம்முடைய பேச்சு வார்த்தையில் அளித்த உறுதி மொழியின்படி  இன்று (12.10.2015) தமிழகம் உள்ளிட்ட அனைத்து அஞ்சல் வட்டங்களுக்கும் (இந்தியா முழுமைக்கும் )  HISCOD  மூலம் பணி  முடிக்க மென்பொருளில் புதிய முறை அறிமுகம் ! 

CBS தொடர்பான இதர பிரச்சினைகளும் அறிவித்த காலக் கெடுவுக்குள் CPMG அவர்கள் முடித்து தருவார் என்று நம்புகிறோம் !
ஏற்கனவே  23.6.2014 இல் நடைபெற்ற நான்கு மாதங்களுக்கு ஒரு முறையிலான பேட்டியில் ஏற்பட்ட முடிவின்படி   இரண்டாம் நிலை மற்றும் மூன்றாம் நிலை EOD  என்பது CPC மூலம் அளித்திட 
நாடு முழுமைக்கும்  நமது மாநிலச் சங்கம் 
உத்திரவு பெற்றது நினைவிருக்கும்.

தற்போதைய இந்த உத்திரவு மூலம் VALIDATION மற்றும் SUPERVISOR  VERIFICATION  முடித்தவுடன், CPC மற்றும் SPOC உத்திரவை எதிர்பார்த்து,  DC  CLOSURE க்கு எதிர்பார்த்து காத்திருந்து 
EOD  கொடுக்க வேண்டுமே என்று இனி கவலையுறவேண்டாம் !  இல்லையெனில் மறுநாள் காலை வரவேண்டுமே எனவும் 
கவலையுற வேண்டாம் ! 

நமது கடிதத்தை ஏற்று, இந்தப் பிரச்சினையில் உடனடி கவனம் செலுத்தி ஆவன செய்திட மேற்கொண்ட  
CPMG  DR . CHARLES LOBO  அவர்களுக்கும்  
CEPT  DY . DIRECTOR  திரு. V .M . சக்திவேலு அவர்களுக்கும் நம்முடைய மாநிலச் சங்கத்தின் நெஞ்சார்ந்த நன்றி !
கீழே பார்க்க  CPMG  அவர்களின் உத்திரவு நகலை !
A.palanisamy  karur dn

Thursday, 8 October 2015



       World Postal Day happens each year on October 9, commemorating the date for the establishment of Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland. The UPU was the start of global communication revolution, allowing people could write to others all over the world. October 9th was first declared World Postal Day at the 1969 UPU Congress in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, World Post Day has been celebrated all over the world to highlight the importance of the postal services.
       The Postal Services is under the Department of Posts, which is part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Govt of India. The apex body of the department is the Postal Service Board, consisting of a chair and six members. The six board members govern personnel, operations, technology, Postal Life Insurance, Human Resource Development (HRD) and planning. The joint secretary and financial adviser is also a permanent invitee.
        India has been divided into 22 postal circles, each circle headed by a chief Postmaster General. Each circle is divided into regions, headed by a Postmaster General and comprising field units known as divisions (headed by SSPOs and SPOs). These divisions are further divided into sub divisions, headed by ASPs and IPOs. Other functional units (such as circle stamp depots, postal store depots and mail motor service) may exist in the circles and regions. In addition to the 22 circles, there is a base circle to provide postal services to the Armed Forces of India. The base circle is headed by a Director General, Army Postal Service (with a rank of Major General).
          The highest Post Office in the world is Hikkim, Himachal Pradesh, India at a height of 15,500 ft (4700m) (postal code-172114).
         The first adhesive postage stamp in Asia were issued in the Indian district of Scinde in July 1852 by Bartle Frere chief Commissioner of the region. Frere was an admirer of Rowland Hill, the English postal reformer who had introduced the Penny Post. The Scinde stamps became known as “Scinde Dawks”, ‘Dawk’ is the Anglicized spelling of the Hindustani word Dak or (‘post’). These stamps with a value of ½ anna, were in use until june 1866. The first all India stamps were issued on 01 October 1854.

By - Warrant Officer
Rakesh Swarnkar
Army Postal Service Corps